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Life After Major Weight Loss: What Will It Be Like and How Can Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Help?

Posted March 01, 2021 in Body Contouring, Post-Weight-Loss Plastic Surgery

3 Minute Read: 


Will I Have Excess Skin After Weight Loss?

How Can Body Contouring Procedures Help After Weight Loss?

Which Body Contouring Procedures Are Popular After Massive Weight Loss?

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Arm Lift Surgery

Facelift Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery

What Should I Do Prior to a Body Contouring Treatment?

How Can I Celebrate My New Contoured Silhouette?

Woman standing on a beach showing off her backside curves with body contouring lines drawn on body.Congratulations! You’ve made big changes and worked hard to reach your ideal weight. Shedding a lot of weight is quite rewarding and brings a renewed sense of self-esteem and an enhanced quality of life. 

However, it’s not uncommon to be dissatisfied with your body’s excess skin after massive weight loss, as this often contributes to a lack of self-confidence despite significant progress for your health and figure.

Will I Have Excess Skin After Weight Loss?

Drastic weight loss is often followed by the presence of loose, sagging skin and excess folds in areas such as your stomach, arms, breasts, and face. 

The appearance of such stretched skin can get in the way of thoroughly enjoying the newfound body and even keep you from living a comfortable and hygienic life. 

Many individuals may experience discomfort due to chafing or skin rash when excess skin rubs against adjacent skin or clothing.

How Can Body Contouring Procedures Help After Weight Loss?

Fortunately, despite these new challenges, there are ways to remove excess skin and restore a more aesthetically pleasing body contour.

With a range of body contouring procedures, such as arm lifts, breast lifts, abdominoplasties, and facelifts, you can dramatically eliminate the extra skin, enhance your comfort and self-confidence, and even exercise with greater ease. Having excess skin removed following significant weight loss is likely to help prevent future weight gain, as it will be easier to remain active.

Patients also experience fewer incidences of skin rash and infection that commonly occurs between the excess folds of skin.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery tightens loose abdominal muscles and eliminates sagging skin.

The stomach is a common place for excess skin to collect after weight loss—or even repeated pregnancies. Because this skin hides your core muscles—which is often considered to be your “center”—tummy tuck surgery helps highlight this vital area.

Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lift surgery corrects sagging upper arms, spanning from the elbow to the armpit.

Many women and men struggle to tighten their upper arms, and the remaining skin often hangs much like a “bat wing.” Because arm lift surgery removes excess skin, there is no longer a need for this animal-like appendage. Smooth, tight, and slender upper arms are in your grasp.

Facelift Surgery

Facelift surgery seeks to tighten sagging skin on the face, neck, and jowls.

The skin of your face ages easily and fast, meaning that the facial skin is often thinner than in other areas of your body. This makes loose skin on your face common following weight loss. 

Facelift surgery targets loose skin and displaced facial tissues in the lower two-thirds of your face and neck.

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery reduces skin elasticity around the breast area.

The breasts start to droop naturally with age; however, this process is expedited with weight loss. Breast lift surgery targets sagging breasts and heightens their elevation to restore youthful perkiness.

What Should I Do Prior to a Body Contouring Treatment?

Maintaining a realistic perspective of how body contouring procedures can transform your body is crucial to a successful plastic surgery transformation following significant weight loss.

How Can I Celebrate My New Contoured Silhouette?

Now that you are a few sizes down, dress for your body. Experiment with different clothing styles and keep the items you feel comfortable in. 

Interested in Learning More About Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss?

Are you burdened by excess skin after losing significant weight? 

You don’t have to suffer from an unsatisfying body image. Contact us today at 716-631-1220 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation and discuss the procedures needed to achieve your desired results.