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Get Your Body Back With a Mommy Makeover

Posted July 13, 2016 in Breast Augmentation, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck

After all that the female body goes through during pregnancy and nursing, it is little wonder that there can be permanent physical effects on the body. Sagging abdominal skin, deflated breasts, loose stomach muscles, stretch marks, and stubborn fat are all common among mothers’ bodies, especially for those who have had multiple pregnancies. If these things have happened to you, you can reclaim your body with a Mommy Makeover.

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

Before and After Mommy MakeoverA Mommy Makeover is a group of procedures that are performed in one setting to enhance a woman’s body after pregnancy and nursing. Typically, a full Mommy Makeover includes a tummy tuck, breast surgeries, and liposuction; however, since each woman’s body does not respond exactly the same way to motherhood, the Mommy Makeover is designed to adapt easily to meet each woman’s needs. For example, a woman who does not have lax abdominal skin or loose stomach muscles but does have sagging breasts and stubborn fat can undergo a Mommy Makeover with only liposuction, a breast lift, and breast augmentation. Likewise, a woman who does not need breast surgery but desires a tummy tuck and liposuction can undergo a Mommy Makeover with these two procedures alone.

How Can a Mommy Makeover Help You?

While a healthy diet and exercise can improve some of the negative physical consequences of childbirth and nursing, surgery is necessary to improve other issues. Loose skin, separation of the stomach muscles, and stubborn fat deposits typically require surgical correction to restore the body to its pre-baby shape. One of the greatest things about the Mommy Makeover is that the chosen procedures are performed together in one setting so women can look forward to enjoying their results all at once. Your Mommy Makeover procedure can restore more slender and youthful curves by improving breast volume and position, eliminating unwanted body fat, creating a firmer and flatter tummy, and helping you look and feel more confident and attractive in your feminine body.

If you are unhappy with how pregnancy and nursing have altered your body, you can get your body back with a Mommy Makeover. Schedule your consultation today for Mommy Makeover surgery with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Todd Koch. Call (716) 631-1220 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your appointment today.