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5 Ways to Limit the Bat Wing Appearance

Posted March 30, 2020 in Arm Lift

3 Minute Read: 

As we age, the skin on our upper arms begins to sag, creating an unflattering bat-wing appearance. 

Loose skin under the arms can make it hard to participate in daily activities or wear certain clothing styles. It can also cause discomfort due to unnecessary rubbing of the skin.A woman who suffers from loose, flabby skin under her arms after losing a massive amount of weight.

Surgical options like arm lift surgery can help reduce the appearance of bat wings and restore physical comfort.

How Can I Limit the Bat Wing Appearance?

As the body ages, muscle tone diminishes, and excess fat develops in the arm region. Genetics and massive weight loss can also contribute to excess, sagging skin.

Surgical procedures, non-surgical alternatives, and lifestyle changes are all options for those looking to contour the upper arms.

Arm Lift, or Brachioplasty, Surgery

Sometimes, diet and exercise alone are not enough to smooth the underarms and create tighter contours.

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that can correct sagging underarms by reshaping the upper arms and removing excess skin and fat. 

An arm lift can:

  • Reduce the excess sagging skin
  • Tighten and smooth the underlying tissues
  • Reduce localized fat deposits in the arm region


In some situations, where arm lift surgery is not necessary, liposuction techniques can improve the contours of the body by removing excess fat deposits.

Tricep Exercises

In some cases, you can restore tone in the upper arms through regular exercise.

Physical activities that target the triceps and can help restore definition in your arms include:

  • Free weights
  • Bench press
  • Tricep dips
  • Overhead tricep extensions


Cardio is an aerobic exercise that helps maximize the amount of oxygen in your blood and helps you use oxygen more efficiently. 

Engaging in any form of cardio can strengthen your heart and muscles and increase your stamina and endurance.

Other benefits of cardio include:

  • Controlling your appetite
  • Managing high blood pressure
  • Burning calories
  • Reducing arthritis pain

A Healthy Diet

Incorporating a healthy diet can encourage weight loss and reduce cancer risk.

It would be best to change your diet to include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein.

Have More Questions?

If you would like to learn more about arm lift surgery to reduce the appearance of bat wings, call our office at (716) 631-1220 or fill out our online contact form.